Friday, June 25, 2010

Step Right Up! Nothing real ever built here.

Phoenix Magazine did a story in September 2008 which included the Old Arizona Territory and direct quotes from Dic Minnick. In the story Dic explained how "roller coaster construction is under way and he already has shelled out $120 million for the park and studio" along with wanting the Eloy location for its position between 2 highways. Publicly stated to a journalist that's $120 million spent in 2008! Where's the cash? Where's the product from the cash? Where's the result of the construction? There are no qualifiers in the statements made. For example:
"Mr. Minnick is planning to spend a $120 million in the next year."
"Mr. Minnick plans to start construction on a roller coaster soon."
It's pretty plain English as reported in this article, the money was spent and the coaster is being constructed.

Eloy mentioned that it was caught off guard and also needed a planning amendment in order to facilitate the project.

Our apologies that only part of the story is available, but something is better than nothing. Don't say "nothing" around the intersection of Interstate 8 and 10 since there is still nothing there to show for this article and the claims in it.

It's understood that these kinds of public statements, even by Mr. Minnick himself, won't satisfy the conditions of one of our Anonymous commentators and followers. We do want to thank another anonymous contributor for pointing the material out to us anyway.


  1. I have the rest. I'd be happy to scan and send it to you. I think it's relevant to this recent blog post. In particular, the following statement (from page 154): "On the film studio front, Minnick says he's busy landing films in addition to the two that MFT is already producing: 'On the Pow Wow Trail' and 'Legends of Passion.'"

  2. Could you send to the email address on the blog. Thanks that is great.

  3. "Already producing"? For the few who might not know, "On the Pow Wow Trail" was never close to production because Minnick failed to make payment for the script, failed to fulfill any contractual agreements to the crew assembled for casting and other production positions.
