Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Great Comment Debate

Anonymous said...

Still looking for the smoking gun.

All I see in this blog is the bitter ramblings of an old man who has outlived his usefulness. I suppose it will give you something to repeat daily as you rot away in the nursing home. Not that anyone would care.

June 30, 2010 2:02 PM

DicOwesMe2 said...

No smoking gun yet Anonymous? Well, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence to support all claims and none in support of Minnick. Perhaps you can show proof that everyone posting on this blog is wrong about Dic Minnick and his family. Show your own "smoking gun" and post proof that Minnick is who he claims to be. Evidence of his many years with WB? Video of Dic in the pool of his multimillion dollar home? Perhaps a video of him riding on his roller coaster? With all his millions, why does his wife still have to work a meaningless job with the State of Arizona? Maybe post a copy of his credit report? How about the name and contact number of his legal counsel? Better yet, bank name and account numbers! That would make everyone happy, especially our attorneys! Anxiously awaiting your post to prove everyone wrong.
June 30, 2010 3:26 PM

Predictably, what DicOwesMe2 points out is exactly right. No matter what people have been told, media has reported and Dic Minnick has promoted through his own words, our old friend Anonymous wants to talk about a "smoking gun." Its almost like not being able to see through the fog.

We are assuming that Anonymous would want everyone to believe that 7501 N. Ironwood Rd, Paradise Valley, AZ is actually Mr. Minnick's residence. One thing for sure, it was news to the rightful owners that they had a business registered there.

We are assuming that Anonymous is trying to verify that Mr. Minnick does have hundreds of millions of dollars of offshore accounts. Funny enough, this multi-millionaire still needs to borrow $100K for fees and other costs while he sells his $9.95 million home.

We are assuming that Anonymous knows where Mr. Minnick has a roller coaster in storage.

We are assuming that Anonymous can provide an accounting of where Mr. Minnick spent $120 million on the Old Arizona Territory that was noted in the Phoenix Magazine article. It certainly didn't go to the vendors who are owed hundreds of thousands in outstanding service contracts.

We are assuming that Anonymous knows why Mr. Minnick couldn't pay his assumed staff their salaries and pay writers for their film scripts even though he spent $120 million on his business.

We are assuming Anonymous has first hand knowledge of where Mr. Minnick has television studio and satellite equipment stored or staged.

We are assuming that Anonymous can provide names, addresses and phone numbers for Mr. Minnick's other successful business.

We are assuming that Anonymous can defend all of Mr. Minnick's own words, with the specific information that DicOwesMe2 is asking for on behalf of so many. Can Anonymous show us one place where all these riches are??

Something does smell bad in the nursing home, and no one can put there finger on it... but it might be from some Anonymous source.

If some of the outstanding loans got paid off, some of the service contracts were paid down, land was paid for, and a correct address was provided for the home and/or business address of MFT World Entertainment, some people might be satisfied. At least everyone would know where to send their invoices to, or better yet their notices.


  1. that home in paradise valley is up for sale. it has been on the market for a while now. only valid address is for the pmb in scottsdale.

  2. The Paradise Valley home is not the Minnick home, so wonder where the idea came from to use that address for the registration of MFT World Entertainment??

  3. The ONLY mailing address ever offered up by Minnick is a PMB. If anyone else knows his physical address, where he lays his head at night, please let us know.
