Monday, December 3, 2012

Any updates

Hello blog readers.

We're looking for contributions to update readers about some of our subjects. If anyone has any updates on the whereabouts or happenings related to Rev. Dic Minnick, MFT Entertainment, Investment Suisse, Eaglebanque as well as any of the officers and directors of those "investment / merchant banks" then we would encourage you to submit a comment and it will be re-posted.

Just looking to keep other readers in the know and well informed. Some time ago there was some action in Tucson, AZ regarding our famous film maker and amusement park owner. If anyone can update the world on MFT that would be sincerely appreciated. There were also some serious legal events taking place in Australia regarding MFT's supposed bankers. If anyone has been involved in that process and can drop a line then that would also be graciously appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Robert Cowley worked for my dad in the early 80's with his older brother John Cowley. They fleeced us of plenty but it was so long ago it doesnt matter to us now. I am waiting for the day they go to jail. Robert has conned and lied and stollen and misrepresented himself all his life. John the same. They grew up in Melbourne. They are salesmen and worked for my dad selling building products. From there John became a small business consultant living on the coast in northern NSW and Robert left Australia to begin his banking escapades in the late 80's. Robert attached Dr. to his name about this time to lend creditability to himslf. He has no formal qualifications. John is actually a boilermaker. this is the only qualifications anyone associated with them have that I know of. In about 1993 /4 Robert and John and another guy called Andrew Haberfield started agressively ripping off people around the place. I dont know if anyone is interested about this kind of history so I shall cut short and list some company names and officers with travelled as a crew. I knew them all in the mid 90's but fell off the back of the truck when they bankrupted me. Anyway Eaglebanque(sic) and Investment suisse are all owned run and driven by Robert. A company called Prince Securities was run by Andrew Haberfield with Jogn Cowley. The original officers in those days was a guy called Derek Morris and John Hopkins pretty gullible guys looking for the quick win. They are all Australian none of them were officially knighted nor has any of them legit Phds. John is now living on the Sunshine coast in a suburb called Little Mountain. I dont know where any of the other are but if Robert is hiding he will probably be at Johns. Hope this helps... Keep up the info and the good fight. I will drink a beer to you boys if your efforts finally get them jailed. Cheers...Peter
