Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Good Day Mate! (Part 2)

A chance keyword phrase that led someone to this blog actually led back to an interesting posting on another site. For some reason the name "Robert Crowley" sparks a particular interest for people viewing this blog even though this person's name is not a focus of this blog. If you use an extended search phrase, for example, "Sir Robert Cowley scam finance" and you happen to be sitting in Australia you might find this blog as well as the Faketitles website in your results.

A posting on Faketitles discusses Sir Robert Cowley and makes reference to a document (in PDF) which threatens the website's administrator with prosecution. Remember that someone left an anonymous threat on this blog about pending legal action a few weeks ago. The author of the letter sent to Faketitles is B C O'Brien and comes on the letterhead of "The Affordable Legal Company Pty Ltd" in association with R.P. Emery and Associates.

If you go to the R.P. Emery website there is a video featuring Mr. O'Brien. Keep his face and voice in mind. Then watch a video posted on Youtube that is also featured and linked on the Faketitles posting. Same person?? You decide.

A Whoisdomains search will tell you that the Emery site is registered to Nadian Pty Ltd. Nadian Pty Ltd. is a firm that processes payments for a host of service companies. Mr. O'Brien and a colleague are also featured on a Myspace page . You might want to try the names on as well.

Don't take any of this information for granted or as a statement of fact. Do your own investigation and come to your own opinions. It is interesting that a blog about MFT World Entertainment, working primarily in Arizona, would link back to names in Australia and an interesting investigative news item on Aussie television. It looks like people in Australia are taking action. Good on ya mate!