Sunday, October 17, 2010

Anonymous is back!

Long time no talk "Anonymous"... thanks for coming back. As for the comment you left earlier, let us review it shall we:
Anonymous said...

To answer your "MFT IN SINGAPORE" is simple. Called law suites being filed for unauthorized display of documents not being to you.
A joint combo of them are coming. You may want to remove: Eaglebanque documents

So the claim coming from Anonymous is that documents posted on this blog, for example this posting of a supposed credit letter for an alleged value of $100 million, may be illegal to post because the document is "not being to you." Anonymous...ask yourself how these documents got to be posted on the blog if the signatory did not send them to followers of the blog? If a law suit is pending, you might also want to ask yourself if everyone associated with the document, including the signatory himself, is ready to get on the stand in court. If they are ready to testify under oath that the letter accurately represents the signatory's holdings or represents a credit mechanism held for his benefit by the institution being named, then that would be news to many others. If the signatory and the bank are going to testify to those facts, please name the court and the date of the filing. We'll do the research from there and inform everyone tied to such documents to be in court!!!

A host of witnesses are ready to come to court and hear about where these assets are so that they can properly enter their own lawsuits for monies owed to them for the services rendered, contracts signed and obligations made with MFT's signatory. Not being sure how you would manage the case from Tucson, rest assured that there will multiple counter claims to recover any of the alleged monies that are being claimed in these bank documents. MFT's signatory has to realize they can't just go around signing documents, hand docs to people and then not pay any of the money owed to them. If MFT's signatory and the others are ready to testify as to the whereabouts of the assets that are backing these alleged banking documents, then a host of others are ready to come to court asking for the monies they are owed!! At least these supposed credit documents would have been of some value because claimants would finally be able to collect the monies they are owed.

It's funny how in these last couple of weeks, the most popular posting reviewed on this blog has been "Can you lend me a $100K" Its been viewed by people in Australia, UK, Thailand and then a few spots in the US. With all the email traffic that must be going on between you folks threatening a lawsuit, you must have considered that there will be others just as ready with a counter suit to get the money they are owed by MFT and the famous signatory of this credit letter.

When the time and place of the lawsuit has been decided, assuming somewhere in Arizona, please leave a note on the blog so that it can be sent out to ALL interested parties. Thanks for coming back Anonymous....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

MFT in Singapore??

In the last few days, Singapore seems to be a popular country of origin for reviews of this blog. Never imagined the power of MFT World Entertainment extended to Singapore but these days nothing seems to be out of reach. Maybe one day our guest from from this beautiful island country and powerful financial center will give everyone a clue as to what is so interesting about MFT in Singapore. For more on Singapore read this overview from Wikipedia.